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Welcome to Second Grade! My name is Carlie Logan, and I graduated from SUNY Potsdam with my Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood/Childhood Education. This will be my tenth year teaching, and my ninth year at Barkers Mill Elementary School. I’m very excited about being your child’s teacher! This is going to be a wonderful 2024-2025 school year! I’m looking forward to working with you and your child!
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Positive Behavior System

Behavior System

We will use a behavior chart. Each day students start with a clean slate. It’s a three strikes rule. If a student earns three strikes or more, parents will be notified via ClassDojo about the students behavior. Strikes will be given for the following behaviors

  • Not following directions
  • Talking in class
  • Not doing work
  • Disrupting class
  • Hurting a friend
  • Disrespectful
  • Misbehaving in common areas (playground, lunch, bathroom, hallway)


School Supply List
These are the school supplies that students will need:

  • 1 dozen #2 yellow pencils (no mechanical pencils)
  • 1 pair scissors
  • 6 glue sticks
  • 1 (4 oz.) bottle liquid glue
  • 2 boxes 24 count crayons
  • 1 small plastic school box
  • 1 large box tissues
  • 1 bottle hand sanitizer
  • 3 plastic 3-prong pocket folders
  • 1 package baby or anti-bacterial wipes
  • 1 package of four dry erase markers
  • 1 plastic inch/centimeter ruler
  • 3 packages wide rule loose leaf paper
  • 1 wide rule hardbound composition notebook
  • 1 wide rule spiral composition notebook
  • 2 yellow highlighters

Wish List
*All of these items are optional.

*All of these items are optional.  Items with an asterisk (*) are already on the supply list, but typically run low throughout the year.

  • Construction paper
  • Sticky notes
  • Colored copy paper
  • Pocket folders
  • Dry erase markers*
  • Disinfecting or anti-bacterial wipes*
  • Pencils*
  • Tissues*

Teacher Contact Info
Parent-teacher communication is important for the success of our second grader(s). Please contact me using either method below:

Email: [email protected]
School phone: (931) 906-7235 ext. 1619

A thirty-minute time for indoor or outdoor recess is set aside daily. To avoid the risk of loss or damage, students are not to bring any toys or trading cards from home. Toys brought from home may be confiscated and held by the teacher until a parent or guardian is able to retrieve them.

Snack Time

Students may bring a snack from home to eat during snack time. The teacher will not provide a daily snack for students. Due to serious allergies, students are not to share the snacks he or she has brought. It is allowable for students to bring a bottle of water. No soda, juice, or colored drinks, please.

Lunch and Special Areas:
Lunch: 11:30- 12:00
Specials: 2:00-2:40

Second grade teachers will send home a weekly reading and math assignment. The assignments will be sent home on Monday and due back on Friday.

Please contact Mrs. Logan directly if you would like to send a class treat in to honor of your child’s birthday. If outside party invitations are to be sent home, please make sure there is an invitation included for every child in the class. 

 Gray Communication Folder
Each day your child will bring home his or her gray Communication Folder. Notes, important information, and/or classwork/graded work will be placed in the folder on a weekly basis. Please review these items with your child and remove them from the folder. Any notes or money should be sent to school in the folder. It is the child’s responsibility to remove these items and place them in the teacher basket. 

Make-Up Work
If a child is absent one day, he or she will have one day to complete any make-up work. If a child is absent two days, he or she will have two days to finish any make-up work and so on.

This website allows access to student grades and attendance information.

Please contact the front office for PowerSchool login information.

School begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:50pm. On half days school will begin at 8:50am and end at 12:20pm. On early release days school will begin at 8:50am and end at 1:35pm.

Mid-year notices will be sent home to any student having academic difficulties that could potentially result in retention.

Dress Code
Please refer to the student code of conduct for information on dress code.

PowerSchool and Transportation Changes
PowerSchool and transportation changes must be received in writing. For the guaranteed safety of all students, transportation changes over the phone are not permissible. Students cannot be released to anyone not listed on the emergency card.

Classroom Books