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Hi, I am Kathy Sayle. I am so excited to be a part of the extraordinary team of educators at Barkers Mill. I have been married to my husband for twenty years and we have two children, Faith and Luke. Additionally, I served four years in the U.S. Army as an Air Traffic Control Specialist and seven more as a US Army civilian. I look forward to encouraging your students and teaching them how to love learning. I love my roll as an ESL teacher and watching my student growth. Thank you for allowing me to teach your students.
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  • First Half-Day Reminder: Breakfast/lunch will not be provided on the first half-day of school, Wednesday, August 7th. Feel free to send a snack from home!


  • Back to School Night: Tuesday, August 6th from 5-7pm. I am so excited to meet you and your child. Feel free to bring any school supplies with you. Come on down to room D6 in the purple hallway!


Classroom Books