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Welcome the 3rd grade! I have been teaching for 27 years with a focus in reading. I will be your child's reading, writing, language arts and social studies teacher. ParentSquare is the form of communcation that will be used for newsletters, dates and any additional information you may need. Please be certain to connect with me and my partner teacher, Mrs. Van Orden. If your child is in sports, please send in a game schedule when you get it. I try to attend at least one game to support your child's extra curricular events. I look forward to our partnership and an amazing year of growth!
Love, Mrs. Hoefling
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1. Follow directions quickly.
2. Raise your hand for permission to speak or get out of your seat.
3. Use time wisely.
4. Come prepared to each class.
5. Respect others and their property.

Classroom Books