CMCSS Definition of Bullying
July 25, 2018
To distinguish bullying-related acts from other inappropriate behaviors, CMCSS defines bullying as: (a) harm occurs through an intentional act; and (b) a power imbalance exists; and (c) the accused enjoys carrying out the action; and (d) the accused repeats the behavior, often in a systematic way; and (e) the target has a sense of being persecuted or oppressed and is hurt physically and or psychologically. Bullying-related acts may include: Actions of engaging in reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports, who is a target of, or witness to a bullying-related act, or any person with reliable information about a bullying-related act; or actions in which one falsely accuses another of having committed a bullying-related act as a means of reprisal or retaliation or as a means of a bullying related act. Click here for more information.